Sunday, February 17


Psoriasis seems to effect just as many people as eczema does.

We have put together a great resource page on psoriasis and psoriasis treatment

So have a look and learn more about psoriasis and how to treat it.


Saturday, February 2

There Is No Such Thing!

I got an email this week from someone looking to use XMA Skin Therapy, their question?

So tell me, why is your cream going to cure my eczema?

Well, to put it simply, it's not. If you are looking for a miracle eczema treatment, or "cure" then forget about it.

Quite simply there...


Managing your eczema is not about finding that one miracle cure, because you will never find it so stop wasting your time and money.

Eczema can be caused by a range of things, mainly

1. Environment
2. Genetics
3. Diet
4. Lifestyle

So it not about finding the next great thing from overseas to manage your eczema, it is about developing a management plan that works for you, using a combination of methods and treatments.

Over the next few posts I will explore these causes in more option and most importantly what you can do about them.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me at
