Thursday, November 22

Dry, Itchy and Flaky Scalp

One thing we get asked regularly here at XMA Skin Therapy is what can you do for my dry scalp.

Dry and itchy scalp comes under many names including eczema, dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis and many more. Bust basically they are all names for what appears as r
eddening of the skin, irritation and scaling that appears as below.

Dandruff affects approximately 50% of the population in some mild to severe form. Dandruff Seborrheic dermatitis, a more severe form of dandruff is a chronic skin condition that affects the scalp. Dandruff manifests itself as dry skin, flakiness, itchiness and oily skin. Shedding of the skin is natural. Most people shed a layer of skin per month. People who suffer from dandruff shed their skin much faster and the result is a noticeable amount of flakiness.

Eczema Scalp can be painful, irritating and downright embarrassing. So what can you do about it?

Avoiding chemicals is a great start, so try a shampoo and conditioner that is natural and most importantly, SLS Free. Try not to cover your head as sweat and moisture can also exaggerate the condition. XMA Skin Therapy can also be rubbed straight into the scalp and left overnight to soak in. You can also check out a book on dry scalp by clicking here

If you have any questions feel free to contact us on phone or email.


1 comment:

Ryan said...

Keep baby skin always moisturized. This is the first step in eczema treatment. Infant skin absorbs and loses moisture at a faster pace. If you buy some baby moisturizers then check that vitamin E, olive oil extract and all essential minerals are listed in that ingredients. Avoid any harsh cleanser or soap and make sure that your baby getting plenty of water to get moisture form the inside as well as outside. There are more natural eczema remedies those are very helpful.