Friday, November 23

The Eczema Bookstore

One of the great new features of the XMA Skin Therapy website is the eczema bookstore.

We have always got great feedback every time we let our newsletter readers know about eczema and psoriasis books that we have found, so we decided to set up a bookstore on the XMA website.

We have a selection of ebooks on eczema and psoriasis, hang on, what is an ebook you ask?

Simply an ebook is a downloadable book, usually in a pdf format that you get immediately instead of having to wait for it to arrive. Ebooks have really taken off in the last few years with the benefit being people with huge knowledge on a whole multitude of subjects are now publishing books that might not have otherwise.

So, why not have a look at the eczema bookstore and read about some of the books we have on offer. If you have any questions feel free to drop me an email or call one of the team.

Have a great weekend


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